Facebook has been catching a lot of heat over the last few weeks due to issues with privacy. Reports have been widespread about a company taking information from users’ Facebook accounts and using it to target the users with ads, which is basically what all of these social media platforms do already. Many are even calling for users to #DeleteFacebook because of these allegations. 

While it’s fine if you want to delete your Facebook account, you might want to consider getting off all social media because they’re all doing it. True privacy has become a myth, so don’t be fooled into thinking what you post on social media will remain private. 

When you upload an image to Facebook, you have the ability to lock down the privacy settings, so people are unable to see your image. However, since you uploaded the picture to a service that you do not own, you no longer have the right to complain about the privacy of that image. Someone else could screenshot the image or Facebook can use the image for any purpose—it says so in the terms and conditions you agreed to when you set up your account. 

It isn’t just about the content you upload to these social media platforms though. Who you are friends with, the pages and brands you like, and information you have added about yourself are all available for Facebook to glean that data and use it for their own purposes.  

One huge privacy problem that many people fall for is personality quizzes or other types of third-party platforms that allow access to your profile. Do you really need to know which celebrity you look like or which of your friends would have your back? Any time you give the ok for one of those websites or quizzes to access your profile you are giving up a little bit more of your privacy. 


Some apps and websites already have access to your Facebook profile. Here’s how to remove that access on your PC or Mac: 

  1. Click on the down arrow at the top right of your Facebook page 
  2. Select “Settings”  
  3. Click on “Apps” on the left-hand side 
  4. All the applications that have access will appear on this page 
  5. Click the “X” next to each application to remove access 


Social media platforms can’t use information that you don’t add to their platforms. So, you need to ask yourself if it is worth it for you to add or not. Do you care if the entire world knows that you like Nike? The best way to keep an image that you have taken private is to keep it private. As soon as you share the image, there is no more privacy. 

Privacy is a myth. Many homes and businesses have cameras rolling at all times. Cell phones are picking up conversations you have on a daily basis. Cell phone cameras roll when you are out in public. There are basically eyes and ears everywhere.  

So, go ahead and delete Facebook if you have been swayed by the press lately, but be prepared to live off the grid if you truly want privacy. 



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