In today's digital age, businesses face a myriad of cybersecurity threats that are constantly evolving. Protecting your business from these threats is critical to ensure the safety of your company's valuable data and the privacy of your clients. This article explores...
Network Security
The Essential 10: Managed IT Services Your Business Can’t Ignore
In today's increasingly digital world, businesses need to keep up with the latest technology to stay competitive. Managed IT Services are essential for any company that wants to streamline its operations, improve efficiency, and protect its valuable data. Here are the...
The Future of Cybersecurity: Trends and Predictions for 2023 and Beyond
As technology continues to evolve, the threat landscape for businesses of all sizes changes as well. In 2023 and beyond, the future of cybersecurity will be shaped by emerging trends and new technologies, requiring businesses to stay vigilant and adapt their security...
How Secure is Your Email?
Learn about the different types of email attacks and how to protect your business from them with our guide on email security.
The Increasing Importance of Multi-Factor Authentication
It wasn't too long ago that we just trying to get employees to buy into utilizing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). Now that so many people are working remotely, and data breaches are becoming more regular, enabling MFA on ALL of your accounts is more important than...
What is Spear Phishing and How Do I Prevent It?
With more people spotting phishing attacks from a mile away, attackers are turning more towards spear phishing. These targeted attacks have proven extremely successful and are often overlooked until it is too late. What is Spear Phishing? Much like a standard phishing...
How Your Business Supply Chain Can Affect Your Network Security
Often you will hear about the supply chain as it relates to grocery stores or restaurants, but the supply chain actually has a very real impact on all businesses network security. Essentially, your supply chain involves the software you install, the companies you...
Network Security Tips for a Distributed Workplace
These days you can't go more than 20 minutes without hearing words like "unprecedented". While it may sound redundant at this point, these truly are unprecedented times. Never before has so many companies been faced with the daunting task of having most, or even their...
BRITECITY Hosts Security Training Events for local Orange County Businesses
As an MSP in Orange County, briteCITY is extremely concerned about the network security of small businesses. Many small business owners have no idea how vulnerable they are to a cybersecurity attack. Since the weakest link in a company's network security is actually...