We use our electronics so much that it’s hard to see the dirt accumulating on the device. Internal dust and buildup can make computers run slower and even short out various parts. 

It’s important to keep your computer and other devices clean so they can continue to function properly, and also so you don’t get sticky fingers every time you use your keyboard.  


Here are a few things you can do to make sure your computer is running optimally: 


Blow Out the Dust 

We recommend using canned air to blow out any dust that could be cluttering up inside your device.  

If the dirt and dust is in deep, you’re going to have to open your computer to really get at the problem. Desktop computers are easy enough to open, but laptops are trickier. Depending on the brand there may be easy tabs that will allow you to pop your laptop open quickly, but most require the use of a screwdriver. 

For a laptop, more than likely there won’t be a lot of dust buildup, since there isn’t a lot of places for dust to accumulate, and the device generally isn’t stationary. However, the fan in a laptop can get quite dirty. You can blow canned air through the vent in the machine’s casing to get at the problem without opening up the laptop. 

But if you do need to go in, you’ll need to make sure to blow canned air on all the internal components. This will likely create a dust storm at your desk, so make sure you are ready for the clouds. If you have a handheld vacuum handy, try to vacuum up the dust that gets loosened by the canned air, both at your desk and inside the computer. 


Clean Your Keyboard 

If you have a detached keyboard, flip it over and lightly tap on the bottom of it several times. This should loosen any crumbs, dirt, or dust that has made its way under the keys. Take your canned air and try to blow it in between the keys as well to reveal more dirt and crumbs. 

If you have a laptop, just use the canned air. If you can turn the keyboard upside down, you can try to tap on the bottom of your laptop, but you must be extremely careful so as not to damage the screen. 

Once all of the debris has been removed from the keys, use some cleaning solution on a rag to wipe the keys carefully. Make sure your computer is turned off before you do this, or you may find yourself typing a whole lot of gibberish. 


Wipe Down Your Monitor 

Use a cleaner that is specifically for electronics to spray down and wipe your monitor. Especially if you have a touchscreen, there will be a lot of buildup on it.  

Windex has wipes with a cleaning solution for electronics that make it really easy to grab one of the cloths and have at it. Another thing to watch out for is to make sure the cloth is microfiber and won’t scratch the glass of the screen. Wipe the screen with the cloth and solution until clean. 


Wipe the Exterior 

Using the same cleaner you used for the monitor, wipe the rest of the computer. While cleaning the exterior won’t exactly help keep the components from frying, it will look a whole lot nicer. 

With your computer all cleaned up, next you can wipe down your desk from all of the debris you may have kicked up and spread around your desk and floor. 


A clean computer is key to keeping your workstation at optimal levels. The cleaner your hardware, the less likely your computer will break down in the middle of a busy workday. 



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