3 Scams Your Employees Are Still Falling For

Your company’s biggest security risk is your employees. Unfortunately, you could have the most robust firewall and the best security software in place, but one mistake from an employee can open the door to a whole host of attacks.  

Educating your employees on how to spot a scam can help them understand the risks and hopefully prevent them from falling for them. As attackers continue to evolve though, these scams can become harder and harder to spot. 

Make sure your employees are especially aware of these top 3 scams: 

1. Email Phishing 

Phishing scams continue to grow more elaborate every day. They can appear to be from people you interact with on a daily basis, or even look like they are from your boss. We have had a few clients go as far as sending their “boss” a gift card number, thinking their supervisor was requesting the money from them. 

Make sure your employees understand that if someone is asking for money via a gift card, it is likely not a legitimate request. Similarly, any emails asking you to click a link and login could be searching for your login credentials.  

A good rule of thumb is to always be suspicious. It never hurts to double check something outside of the email environment like through a phone call or text message. 

2. Tech Support 

Even with BRITECITY’s number easily accessible, fear can take over when you see a giant message across your screen stating that you have a virus or malware on your computer. The message informs you that you need to call this number right away to be connected to tech support. These “agents” will request to remote control your computer, just like we would! 

The difference is that they are the bad guys. It’s difficult to tell sometimes though. Anytime you get a message on your computer with a phone number to call, dial our number instead. We can take over your computer without any interaction from you (if your system is one of the many that we manage) and can help you get it fixed in no time. 

A good rule of thumb here is to NEVER trust a pop up.  

3. Vishing Scams 

Not only are scammers evolving their methods, they sometimes throw it back a little bit too. Lately many have been making phone calls instead of using email or pop-up messages. 

These types of phone calls have now been labeled “vishing” and describe a type of scam where the attacker makes phone calls claiming to be someone they are not in order to obtain money or information from you. Some have posed as the IRS, your bank, or even your cell phone carrier.  

Many are a little freer with their information over the phone than they are over a computer, seeing it as more of a security risk over the computer. Always be wary of any phone call that is requesting information from you. Research the company’s main customer support number and tell the person you will contact them through the main number instead. 

Continue to be vigilant and protect your personal information. Attackers are clever and will stop at nothing to get what they want. Don’t let it happen to you or your employees! 

BRITECITY offers local businesses support in areas like Cyber Security, Cloud Services, Strategic IT, and Managed IT Services in Orange County.